Hello! My name is Michael Shoultz and I am the founder and Chief Inspirational Officer of Spirit Rising Coaching.
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Here’s the story…
If you want to know more
As a servant leader, mentored and certified by John C. Maxwell, I support individuals, organizations, and businesses to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be!
As Chief Inspirational Officer at Spirit Rising Coaching, I am a nationally-acclaimed mentor, coach, trainer and speaker. I am well versed in learning and development principles and help leaders in businesses and organizations (and their teams) discover and leverage their strengths in order to up-level their results. With an engaging and facilitative style, I equip and support businesses and organizations to develop non-leader dependent, high performance cultures within their teams.
Spirit Rising Coaching provides results-driven programs and services that support the achievement of outcomes that move individuals, businesses, and organizations forward. These programs and services include:
- Diversity, equity, & inclusion training,
- DISC assessments & training,
- Team building strategies,
- Employee engagement support,
- Leadership training & development, and
- 1:1 & group coaching
Cookie cutters are best left in the kitchen. I provide world class, professional development opportunities and coaching services that are customized & tailored to respond to individual and team concerns and needs. I remain engaged and focused on serving my clients throughout the discovery, development, implementation and evaluation process and offers a 100%, money-back, satisfaction guarantee!
Connect with me to learn more about my learning & development and coaching programs that will equip you and your team with strategies to elevate your results.